Interview questions you can’t ask

An employer’s potential liability for workplace discrimination can arise as early as the recruitment / interview stage. A job interview is integral to the recruitment process and provides an opportunity for the employer to ask questions, check credentials and...

Can I still work from home (remotely)?

Have you been working from home during the pandemic and are wondering if you are still able to do so, as people return to the pre pandemic world and go back to the office. The answer will really depend upon your particular workplace and circumstances. This article...

Can I be sacked for breaching company policies?

The circumstances unique to each case must be considered in determining whether it is lawful to terminate an employee for conduct that contravenes company policy. Generally, however, if there is a serious breach of policy, for example, unlawful conduct such as...

Consequences of sharing company secrets with competitors

Employees have a duty of confidentiality and good faith to their employers and employers have a right to ensure that company information is not misused or wrongfully disclosed. But what happens when a company’s information is ‘stolen’ and ends up in the hands of a...