Consequences of sharing company secrets with competitors
Employees have a duty of confidentiality and good faith to their employers and employers have a right to ensure that company information is not misused or wrongfully disclosed. But what happens when a company’s information is ‘stolen’ and ends up in the hands of a...
What employers need to know about new casual employment laws
The Fair Work Act (FWA) was recently amended to change workplace rights for casual employees, and places new obligations on employers. A new definition of casual employment has been introduced, as well as a pathway for all casual employees to move to permanent...
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Sexual harassment is unfortunately still prevalent in Australian workplaces. The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) describes sexual harassment as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or conduct of a sexual nature which would offend, humiliate or...
Employee or Contractor – do you know the difference?
It's important for all businesses to have systems in place to determine whether workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors, as tax, super and other government obligations are different depending on whether the working arrangement involves a...